Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Paul Potts

If you know me, you know that I'm a crier. When I see things that move me (in a good or bad way), I tear up. A couple weeks ago, I posted a link to a slideshow of a couple on their engagement shoot (when the guy actually proposed during the shoot!), and of course, I cried. Last night I watched re-runs of The Bachelorette with Trista and Ryan, and I cried. Well I re-discovered this video of Paul Potts auditioning for Britain's Got Talent, and what do you know... The tears were flowin'! It's just amazing how everyone expected this guy to suck, and he's just incredible. And he totally won the entire competition. Stuff like this just makes my day :)


Valerie said...

Aw, that was so sweet!! His voice is amazing!

Unknown said...

Linz—Just found your blog! I love that Paul Potts video...gets me all misty, too. Plus, I love it when Simon sees something didn't think he'd like, but he actually likes and his eyes and forehead are all mean looking still, but he's kinda smiling. Like he's smiling against his will. Loves it. Hope you're well... :-)
